Email marketing

Email marketing is the most effective online channel for marketers (Source: Smart Insights). With easy to use templates and big brother style analytics, we think our system is one of the best out there!

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Our e-marketing system, Broadcast, a white label of Campaign Monitor makes email marketing even more fruitful with branded templates, list management and analytics to help make your job a little easier.

Our templates are fully responsive and made using widgets that make it really simple to put together a complete campaign. So what’s a widget? Well, these little gems are the building blocks of your emailer. Simply select the one you want to use with the click of a button, edit the content and hey presto, your campaign is ready to send! Our templates provide you with a bucket load of different widgets from various story types, to quick links and adverts, you should have everything you need to create the perfect campaign – and the best bit, once you have the template, you can keep re-using it as many times as you like.


Sometimes, the hardest part to creating a successful campaign is getting the right audience. A Broadcast sign-up widget can be embedded into your existing website, and all the addresses will be saved straight to your account. Already got a list? Existing data can be imported from a spreadsheet or manually entered, whilst simple segmentation and social media sharing tools can help grow your audience and make more targeted campaigns.


The analytics and reports allow you see where people are clicking, when they’re opening it and how long they’re spending reading your campaigns. Combined with the ability to carry out A-B testing you can ensure you’re getting the very best results. Our favourite feature is the world view, where you can see people opening your communications live!

Need us to help populate a campaign or manage your entire communications plan? No problem. We’ll discuss your requirements and then you can let us do the rest for you.

Broadcast is a comprehensive, low cost and high results email marketing system which allows you to build emails quickly and easily, with fantastic analytics to match.

Maria Soleil / Digital Communications / MHS Homes


Including a call to action button instead of a text link can increase conversions by