3 simple ways to engage with audiences

Let’s just take a second to congratulate ourselves. GDPR day came and went, and we all survived (just about). But whilst the questions we were forced to ask ourselves around how we collect and process data were important, here at The Hideout, we also started to think about other ways we (and our clients) can engage with audiences, rather than sliding into inboxes every now and then.

Always ones to look on the bright side, we actually got pretty excited about the opportunities we have to be even more creative in our marketing strategies. Here are just a few of our ideas on how to engage with customers in a post-GDPR world.

The Hideout


Your social channels, similar to email marketing, allow you to communicate with people who have expressed an interest in your company, and ultimately, convert interests into actions.

There’s no doubt that of all social channels, Facebook is still the most used – with over three in five online adults reportedly using it daily (Flint).

However, with the recent Facebook algorithm favouring organic posts from business pages that generate active interactions, it’s important that your content makes your audience feel something, in order to stand out in their crowded newsfeeds.

The Facebook algorithm uses signals that heavily favour “active” interactions such as comments, shares and reactions… Focus on what makes content personal and conversation-worthy.” – Buffer

Got a product launch, new opening or sale campaign coming up? Produce a video. With Buffer stats showing that produced video outperforms other types of media such as links and images, it should be an essential part of your content strategy.

Need some inspiration? Take a look at just a few of the videos we’ve produced.

Also, don’t forget to use those interactions to inform your content strategy – what are people saying, sharing and engaging with on your social posts?

With the option to target similar audiences, specific locales and even people who have visited your website via various paid ad types, Facebook is also a powerful tool for re-building or adding to your audience base (we’ll have more on that in a future post).

However, digital isn’t the only tool in our creative arsenal.

The Hideout

Direct mail

John, our creative director, is a champion of print and it seems he’s not alone – last year, direct mail ad spend rose 5.9% (Advertising Association and Warc).

Largely helped, we guess, by evidence that it resonates with people too. IPA Touchpoints reported that 38% of people buy or order something after reading mail and JICMail data claims that 61% of all door drops opened are read, looked or glanced at.

When you get a chance, just check those open and conversion rates against your email marketing – we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

With a bit of careful consideration about the messaging and a strategic delivery plan, direct mail can be an effective way to engage with both existing and new customers.

The Hideout

Integrated campaigns

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

The truth is, if GDPR taught us anything, it’s that we shouldn’t ever put all our eggs into one e-marketing shaped basket.

Some of the most effective marketing campaigns are those that engage with people across different channels, making the most of traditional and digital strategies.

So rather than looking at each channel separately, start thinking about the touch points you have with your audiences and how they can complement each other when you are creating an engagement campaign.

Got you thinking?

We can provide support with design, content or even the delivery of campaigns if you need it.
Get in touch with us if you want to find out more of you need some inspiration for your own marketing strategies.