Do you think you're 'The Special One'?
By John / Play /It’s that time again! The new season of the Premier League is fast approaching and that means it’s time to get ready for Fantasy Football! John took the trophy last year with a competition that went down to the last week of the season, but this year we’re raising the stakes!
This year we’re opening up our FPL league to a wider audience, it’s time to bring it on! Do you think you’re the special one like Mourinho or the Tinkerman like Ranieri? Then this is the time to prove it. Pick your squad and see if you can end up victorious at the end of the season.

Points mean prizes!
When May roles around and the final games have been played, the overall winner will take home pride and the praise of their family, friends and colleagues, leaving the losers to wonder where it all went wrong.
But wait, there’s more! The winner will also be lifting a shiny Hideout FPL trophy and receiving a £100 Red Letter Day Voucher for conquering everyone below him or her! Not bad eh!? We’re also going to be delivering giant cookies to the doors of the managers who collect the most points each month!

How do you take part?
It’s easy. Go to and sign up. Pick your team and have a play around ready for the first game week! (Tip: you can change your team as many times as you like without incurring a penalty before the first game week!)
You’ll then need to join our private league, ‘The Hideout FPL’. Go to the leagues tab and click to ‘join a new league‘, then click ‘private league‘ and enter the code below…
You should now be in our league and ready for kick off! If you have any problems joining the league let us know, otherwise get tinkering ready for the first game of the season which starts on the 11th August! Happy Managing!